Meet Margaret

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Hello and welcome to Dr. Margaret! I’m so glad you’re here. I have been a psychologist in private practice for over twenty-five years. I began writing online in 2012, and I was just narcissistic enough to believe that I might have something fresh or funny to say about what I’d learned.

Since that time, I’ve launched three different versions of this website. I host The SelfWork Podcast with Dr. Margaret Rutherford, which has been ranked a top podcast on depression and mental health and has earned more than 3 million downloads. I’ve created monthly FaceBook Lives for The Mighty and most recently, have begun another interactive podcast on the Fireside app, SelfWork Chat. And my book, entitled Perfectly Hidden Depression: How to Break Free from the Perfectionism that Masks Your Depression, was launched in November of 2019.

I’ve been researching and writing on this topic for five years, and I’m passionate about the message that although depression can be heavily masked by perfectionism, its damage can still be devastating to that someone who’s trying so hard to smile their way through growing loneliness and despair. Along the way, I’ve met many authors, researchers, bloggers, and psychologists. I’ve written for HuffPost, Psychology Today, The Mighty, Psych Central, The Gottman Blog, Psychologies, StigmaFighters, The Good Men Project, This Is My Brave, and others as I’ve spread what I hope is a passionate message about becoming more comfortable with vulnerability in everyday life, and confronting the prejudice against not only mental illness itself, but its treatment.

The best part of the website is getting to know you. I read every email sent to me at and respond to as many as I can. But I guide what I write about or podcast about from what you need or ask. That’s how important a relationship with you is to me.

So welcome! I’ll be eager to hear from you! And if you’re experiencing or identify with perfectly hidden depression or any other issue, I’d love to work with you.

However, please know that my licensure only allows me to provide therapeutic services in the state where I live – Arkansas.

But I do have a suggestion for you. I’ve personally found that BetterHelp – the leading online therapeutic counseling service — is a great option and have partnered with them to provide you with professional, very affordable and trusted help, no matter where you live.  Click this link to be matched with a counselor uniquely chosen for your preferences and needs – and receive a 10% discount on your first month of service.

Good luck to you. And please take care.


Dr. M

Get to know me

Add some fun facts about you

  • Shortbread croissant I love soufflé candy sweet roll. Toffee sugar plum chocolate bar candy lemon drops.
  • Candy chocolate cake I love jujubes cotton candy jujubes. Candy chocolate cake I love jujubes cotton candy jujubes.
  • Candy chocolate cake I love jujubes cotton candy jujubes. Tootsie roll marshmallow soufflé oat cake.

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